Update and reviews

I just discoverd some very nice blog reviews about Sonoma Scent Studio on a couple blogs that are new to me; they have some interesting posts, the first on indie handmade products and the second on perfume and foodie/cooking interests.   It’s always fun to see when people are enjoying the scents and I appreciate the kind words.



I just finished a large order of lotion jars for a lavender theme party and it feels good to be done.   I’m testing a new version of Reves with some white floral notes added and like the additions. I’m also subtracting some things because the formula was getting too complex and sometimes it’s best to edit.

4 thoughts on “Update and reviews

  1. Awesome reviews! And thanks for the links, I always love finding new (to me) blogs about perfume 🙂 I’m looking forward to you having time for more posts, I don’t comment all the time, but I always read!

  2. Ditto your whole message, Gail S.!!!! i so appreciate what laurie is doing and it is good that she is getting such good notices!!


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