Drawing for samples of To Dream

To Dream is now available on the Fragrance page and the Samples page, and it will also be available at
Indie Scents
. I’ll host a drawing here for two winners to receive a spray sample of To Dream plus a 1 ml sample of another SSS scent of their choice. Just post below to enter the drawing and maybe tell us something you love about spring. I love everything about spring — the longer daylight hours, the garden coming to life, the warmer temperatures… šŸ™‚

I put the vintage-inspired scent aside for a little bit to work on the summer floral project again. When I last left off I had several lines of approach that I hope will lead to several different scents. The summery lactonic jasmine skin scent is calling to me right now so I’m working on that first.

Update: I’ll pick 3 winners since we have a lot of interest, and I’ll leave it open until Saturday evening…

143 thoughts on “Drawing for samples of To Dream

  1. Please enter me in the drawing. The thing I love best about spring is getting outside in the fresh air to work in my garden. I love the feel of the soft, warm air and the gentle spring breezes. I love to hear the songbirds and the breeze rustling the brand-new foliage on the trees. I love the smell of rich, moist soil as I am digging and planting new flowers and shrubs. I love watching everything wake up after its winter nap and seeing all my roses (and my other flowers as well) burst forth into bloom. I love watching and smelling my Meyer lemon tree blooming, and seeing the new little baby lemons beginning to form. I love to marvel at my yesterday-today-and-tomorrow (isn’t that a terrific name?) with its three colors of blooms on one bush. I just love spring.

    • Yes, that’s all so true! I love those things too. Sometimes I feel silly for relishing it again every year but it feels just as good every time.

      Do lemon blossoms smell as good as orange blossoms? I’ve not sniffed a lemon tree in bloom.

      • My friend has a huge lemon tree in her front yard. It blooms in early February and she had quite a harvest this year. I never had to go to the store for lemons.

        I find the blossoms are more bitter and less floral than orange blossoms but they smell soooo fresh. The scent is much lighter, too. I don’t know the variety she has but it seems to be the usual found in most supermarkets.

        I wish that could be captured in a fragrance. I’d spray it morning and night.

  2. I’m dreaming of To Dream, and would love to be in the draw. It is autumn here, but we have a lovely autumn in my city and we do have four definite seasons. Canberra was developed in the 1920s and was planted with a superb mix of native and exotic deciduous trees, so while we do have glorious authum leaves, most trees keep their leaves, so we don’t end up with that stark look that I imagine is common in European cities in winter. I love it.

    • That sounds beautiful annemariec! Whenever I launch a scent I always think about the people who have the opposite season. To Dream would be fine anytime except in the hot mid summer, I think.

  3. I love that we get the sun back again for spring! Really it makes any day better =) My mom’s orange blossoms are blooming and I can start to wear En Passant again for the Lilac fix…

  4. To Dream sounds gorgie! I’m just beginning to discover SSS; so far I really like Champagne de Bois. IKd love to be entered to win To Dream, thank you!

  5. It’s spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you’ve got it, you want – oh, you don’t quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so! ~Mark Twain

    Spring is the time of rebirth perchance to dream of relaunching opal…

  6. I’d love to be entered into this draw – I adored Liue de Reeve so I can’t wait to see what you’ve done with this scent! I love the crisp morning of spring where the chill has all but faded and there’s plenty of sunshine about. I walk to work and spring mornings are my favourite to go at a slower pace, enjoy the sunshine bouncing off the river to notice the trees coming back to life. It’s my favourite time of year.

  7. I don’t think there is anything about spring I don’t love. I love it when the days are warm and sunny, I love spring showers but most of all, I love when I get out of the house (even in the city) that the air is filled with the sweet smell of spring and the plants waking up and blooming.
    Please enter me for the draw, I’d love to try To Dream. šŸ™‚

  8. I love spring for the warm fragrant air and for the sense of renewal it brings
    and the promise of summer, too
    please, enter me the draw, thank you

  9. We still haven’t gotten spring here in the northwest. šŸ˜¦ It’s my favorite season, so I’m feeling cheated! I love the flowers, the sunshine, the way it smells after it rains– I even love the hayfever! If it’s sunny out, I can deal with some allergies! Please enter me in the drawing for the sample. Lieu de Reves is my favorite (next to Champagne de Bois) and I’m really excited about this.


  10. Spring carries the anticipation of new life and the rebirth of our garden. I can hardly wait for the intoxicating fragrance of our Korean Spice Viburnum, one of the earliest, fragrant shrubs to bloom in our area. Our yard is also a nursery to four baby bunnies living under our deck, and a mamma squirrel recently moved her four babies into our huge oak tree from an unknown distance. Spring is definitely an exciting season!! I’m sure To Dream captures that feeling.


  11. I relish the moment I can slip back into my flip flops (and the pedicure that proceeds it). I also love sticking my face in the lilacs. šŸ™‚

    • It’s not quite cold enough here for lilacs to set bloom, but my Mom has one that gives about six blossoms each year and she generously shares. šŸ™‚

  12. Here in Florida it stays green all year, and our subtle Spring only reveals itself to those who look closely.

    Palms are dropping their dry winter fronds, tropical aroids are unfolding shiny new leaves, and butterflies have already begun to float around the bougainvillea and wild lime.

    Soon it will be too hot to enjoy the outdoors, but today is cool and breezy – a perfect time to enjoy To Dream, and the secretly emerging Spring.

  13. To Dream sounds great! As does the “summery lactonic jasmine skin scent” you’re working on…

    I love seeing the daffodils and other flowers and buds coming to life. (Do you happen to know why yellow and purple and white flowers bloom first, then reds and oranges later?) I look forward to lilacs! and asparagus. and all the other delicious foods to come.

    • I don’t know if the colors really go in that order or not, but maybe it seems so since daffodils tend to come before tulips. We get some early poppies in reds and oranges, though I think the daffodils do bloom first. The daffodil bulbs that over-winter in the ground bloom at a different time than the new ones just store bought and planted in fall, so that mixes things up too. I’m a big help… šŸ™‚

  14. i love all the flowering trees springing into bloom… the different blossoms always have me smiling (even through my sneezing!) šŸ™‚ thank you so much for the chance to win, i’m anxious to smell it!

  15. Spring has been a little frustrating for me thus far this year as it’s SLOW in arriving. All of my favorite things about the season have been eloquently stated by the folks before me. To reiterate – the longer milder days,the buds forming, the shoots emerging from the ground, the general feeling of rejuvenation. It’s all very energizing as if to arouse us from Winter’s slumber. Please enter me in the draw – I’m such a fan of Sonoma Scent Studio’s wonderful fragrances! And thank you.

  16. My favorite part of spring? I’m torn between watching the lilacs bloom and the peony bushes and the rhubarb sprout up and the knowledge that I will soon be able to dig deep into the rich black soil and plant my tomatoes…..here in Iowa, the warm breath of spring brings new life and renewal, sweet scents and delicious treats, yum!

    • I’m trying an experimental peony but it may be a few years before I get blooms since I just planted it last year. It doesn’t get quite cold enough here, but a few varieties supposedly will bloom. We’ll see!

  17. What 50 Roses above said – I do love the spring. It’s the time of hope as buds begin to form on branches of trees and bushes and early flowering bulbs begin popping out of the ground. It’s also the start of the gardening season that lasts until mid-Fall when frosts begin to settle in and I take every opportunity to go out and plant and re-plant, and re-arrange – never quite satisfied yet hopeful that each subsequent season is better than the last.
    I hope To Dream will be a great success. I find it a more mature variation on the very youthful LdR, both very beautiful. Thanks for letting me be a part of its development process!

  18. Yay, To Dream is here! (Yay, the white floral is back on the workbench!)

    I love spring too. Signs of new life everywhere, from tulips to budding dogwoods to the calves chasing each other in the field behind my house… and the rich smell of dirt.

    • I’m glad to be back working on the white floral again too, even though I should have finished it back when it was cold! I love dogwoods, you’re lucky to have those!

  19. I love Spring because I am tired of wearing my winter wardrobe! I am so ready for sandals and breezy linen pants, with light cotton shirts. I have a new polish ready to go on my toes, too!

    I would love to try a sample of To Dream, because I love woody scents.

  20. The thing I love most about spring is the smell of sweet damp earth, budding new leaves, sun-warmed concrete, grass and wood. Aside from the smells, I love not having to wear a coat, or worry about carrying my mitts and hat around. And I love summer clothes! Summer sandals! Oh, getting excited now… šŸ™‚

  21. My favorite thing about spring this year has been seeing the purple iris and white narcissus bloom beautifully. My sister transplanted them from my Mom’s yard to my yard after my Mom died last year. whenever I see them I immediately think of Mom. Memory flowers!

  22. My favorite thing about spring is seeing the first daffodils break thru and add a pop of yellow to my monochrome green yard. Please enter me in the draw.

  23. Congratulations on To Dream!

    Spring is all about discovery for me. Did the fall bulbs I planted come up? And where will they come up? We have lots of squirrels here who transplant our bulbs for us (including daffodil bulbs which they aren’t supposed to like). It also seems morning brings another bush or tree in bloom adding to the riot of color in our neighborhood.

    • That’s funny about the squirrels! We have the same situation here because my M-i-L planted many bulbs on the property over the years, but they keep popping up in places she doesn’t recall planting anything. She blames it on the squirrels as well.

  24. It’s still not spring here, and when it comes it’ll only be for a short time before summer kicks in, but maybe that elusiveness is part of why it’s my favorite season. It’s an orgy for the senses: lilacs and Mayday trees in bloom, freshly overturned earth, the silkiness of pussy willows, elegant and colorful tulips, the sensory overload that brings a grin to the face the first moment you walk into a commercial greenhouse…. I could go on. And I’ve discovered that even the ubiquitous local poplars have a distinctive fragrance when their leaves are just unfurling in that stunning light green color.

  25. Hi,
    I just wanted to say that you included a sample of To Dream in my recent order, and it was extraordinary. So much so that I just ordered more on your website! What a gorgeous scent…I feel lucky to have sampled it and can’t wait for more.
    Thank you!

  26. I can’t wait to try your new one! Please enter me in the draw.
    Since becoming a perfumista spring means something new: saying goodbye to the winter favorites and saying hello to spring scents. Flowers, longer days and today a floral: Calandre.

  27. The thing I love most about spring is… rain! Cloudy, gray spring days are comforting to me. And rain makes the air smell good.

    Please enter me in the draw!

  28. Yes, I would love to be in your drawing for a sample of “To Dream”, it sounds absolutely delicious!

    What I love about spring – planting my herb garden and then being able to smell the beautiful foliage – especially love my rosemary, lavender, and thyme.

    I also love the bunnies who have just started appearing in my yard. I think they’re waiting for my herb garden too (I better plant some extra carrots!)

  29. Please enter me in the drawing for “To Dream”. I simply love woodsy fragrances and for this time of the year to wear it with the balmy soft breezes would be a dream to wear.

  30. Yay, I can’t wait to try this! I am loving that it’s already light when I wake up and still light when I leave the gym after work. I’m also excited that the good fruits are starting to pop up in the produce section again (berries etc.). Congrats on the launch!

  31. The blossoming plants are one of my favorite things in Spring. Plus, it’s time to start planting vegetables, especially tomatoes. It’s been an exceptionally wet season so I may wait another week or two.

    I just hope the honeybees return. Last year it was nothing but yellow jackets. I saw a few honeybees so maybe there’s hope. Last year, despite the lushness of my plants, I gained only two strawberries, three tomatoes, and some sunflowers. The roses are doing well thankfully. I already have a few ready to blossom!

    “To Dream” sounds beautiful, like a walk in a warm spring garden. šŸ™‚ How I would love to try it.

  32. What’s not to love about spring? Allergies and more rain are overshadowed by the beauty of my city’s over 37,000 ornamental cherry trees now in full bloom and the pleasure of the spring blooms in everyone’s gardens along my walks. Haven’t found a garden over the years that harbours my favourite lily of the valley, but there are many that will have lilacs spilling over onto the sidewalk so I will able to sniff to my fill. Lately my city has been replacing some of the ornamental cherry trees on the boulevards with dwarf magnolia trees which have deep pink blossoms the size of a baby’s head — they stop people dead in their tracks to take pictures.
    The grass is already very green here, but I’m looking forward to that moment when the trees have turned green and spring is truly here.
    Thanks for the generous draw opportunity — To Dream sounds lovely, especially the woodsy drydown. Very curious about the vintage-inspired scent you are working on.

    • Wow, all those cherry trees in bloom sound spectacular!

      The vintage inspired scent is coming along really well but I’m taking a pause to return to the floral project. I’m excited about both.

  33. Hi Laurie! I would love to try your new fragrance. A couple of my spring pleasures: the song of the house wrens that have returned to our property, and my bottle of your very beautiful Velvet Rose.

      • Thanks Heidi! No wrong place, all’s good. šŸ™‚ The birds get busy in spring here too. They nest in the eaves — I was just watching two songbirds pluck oakmoss from the trees last week to stuff their nest. I also love the woodpeckers with their bight red heads.

  34. Hi Laurie!

    Long time, no post šŸ™‚ I’d love to be entered in the draw for a sample of this. I still love my Lieu de Reves #38 and would love to see how this one has turned out.

    Usually my favorite thing about spring is the temperatures. Here in West Texas, summer is miserable and winter can also be miserable. March and April tend to be the months where you can actually spend a lot of time outside with temps in the 60’s and 70’s. Unfortunately this year we’ve jumped straight from winter to summer, been in the 80’s and 90’s mostly šŸ˜¦ Really messed up the wildflower crop too.

    Anyway, would love to try this! Gotta make a point of trying Incense Pure sometime soon too šŸ™‚

    • hi Gail! You might do ok with this because the cedar component is small. It does have more rose than Reves though. And yes, we’ll have to catch you up, lol. Good to see you. Love your avatar! šŸ™‚

      Hope you get a bit of spring temperatures — maybe you’ll get lucky and have a relapse into spring weather.

  35. Tjis scent sounds wonderful, which is what I would expect from Sonoma Scent Studios! I htink my favorite part of spring would be…no, saying the flowers would be too easy…the colors. The lovely light, vibrant young green of the newly sprouted leaves is perhaps my favorite color in the world. Unless I also include the bright blue sky. And the smell of the earth after a rain. And – the heck with it – the flowers.

    • Know what you mean — it’s hard to pick just one thing. I love that vibrant spring green too! The Japanese maples here just leafed out and they have that lovely vibrant green that new leaves have.

  36. So much to love about spring: the trees put on their frilly pink party dresses, new little buds of the most intense green push out, first wonderful spring bike ride, daffodils, camellias, tulips– I love it all!

    Please enter me, I can’t wait to try To Dream!

  37. I’d love to participate, and here’s what I like best about the spring: more light and sunshine, the trees coming to life with buds and blooms, lilacs in bloom and the smell in the air!

    The thing I love best about Spring since moving to Oregon is looking at the rhododendrons in bloom around the university!

  38. What I love about spring right now is the possibility that my children can play outside. They enjoy it so much and frankly, it gives me a bit more space to breathe as well. šŸ˜‰

    Thank you for this draw, I would love to win.

  39. Thanks for the draw, Laurie! I love when the crocuses, tulips, and daffodils start coming up – it means winter is GONE!!!

  40. I’m with Sascha, spring is nice here in Fla, but summers are hideous and much too long. I’m more of a fall/winter person myself, but I love to see all the baby animals in spring. The sand hill crane chicks are the most gawky baby birds ever, toddling behind their parents in the pastures. The other spring event I love is my gardenia bush blooming – brings back very happy memories from childhood. I bring in bowls of gardenia blossoms for about 3-4 weeks, and they fill the cabin with their fragrance. Please enter me in the draw, and thanks Laurie.

    • Mmmm, gardenia! You’re lucky if you get a big bloom. They’re finicky here. The chicks sound so cute! We get baby wild turkeys toddling after their mother’s like that too. They’re goofy birds that seem to prefer to walk/run everywhere rather than fly.

  41. Hi Laurie,

    Spring is nice in that we finally get a break from winter (Toronto, Canada). Unfortunately, it is the prelude to summer, which have become so hot and humid as to not be enjoyable at all. My favourite season is the fall. I just love it.

    Thanks for offering the draw.

  42. ooh, a draw! Please put me in it, thanks.

    I mostly love the sun coming back. Sunshine is so much cheerier than grey days.
    What I don’t like, though, is the warmer weather. Well, ok, I like it really, because it’s nicer. But then again, I have to wear less and can’t hide the weight I’ve gained in winter! šŸ˜‰

  43. Hi Laurie,
    I love spring! The first thing coming in my mind is all the beautiful aromas in air,I would love to try this scent inspired by my favourite time of year!

  44. What I love most about spring is being able to spend time outdoors gardening. I grow lots of perennials, flowering shrubs and roses, as well as a vegetable bed with peppers, tomatoes, beans, zucchini and squash.

    Thanks so much for the giveaway — it’s very generous!

  45. Good morning Laurie!

    The thing I love about Spring is being able to get back to my favorite outdoor activities: hiking, gardening, and wearing sundresses šŸ™‚

    I’m looking forward to “To Dream,” thank you for hosting a giveaway!

  46. Hi Laurie,

    I’d love to try this new one. The name makes me think of Shakespeare : To be or not to be… to sleep: perchance to dream…

    Well, we’re having a perfect spring in Paris right now, and april is often a very sweet month here. The funny thing is to see some people in the streets still wearing black clothes (people like to wear black in Paris, which makes winter rather dull, even if one could say it is “so” chic), whereas others have already changed to their summer clothes.
    This is the time when people will start crowding in parks, and roads out of Paris will be blocked every friday and sunday nights…

    But, first of all, this is also the most romantic time in Paris !

  47. Hi Laurie! Spring to me is wisteria – it blooms every year for my birthday and it’s my favorite flower. Thanks for having a drawing!

  48. I love spring for the smell of black earth and young green growing things immediately after the rain, when the clouds are still coolly glowing but there is no blue (yet). It’s like a perfect black and white image, when all things exist in gradations and shapes instead of colour.

  49. Throwing my name in the hat, because I’ve been waiting on pins and needles for the new scent to come out! My favorite thing about spring is that the cold is over and the heat hasn’t started yet. I love having the house open and feeling those spring breezes.

  50. Please enter me for ” To Dream” ! I love Spring because my daughter and my birthdays are in April and May. I love the windows open a crack at night and hearing the raccoons chirping and owls hooting ( although I worry that they are hunting). I love spring this year because it has to be the beginning of new things after a very difficult winter that culminated a week ago in my husband’s job loss. I love spring because I feel especially close to my parents in April and May. Both my mom and dad died at 94 and 91 – 4 weeks apart -3 years ago- on warm, promising days. While it is a sad time, I feel very close to them when I feel the sun and the breezes and the soft sounds of things growing.

    • Am sorry to hear about your parents passing, though it’s wonderful that they both lived into their nineties. Sounds like a tough time of year for you with the combination of those memories and your husband’s recent job loss. Unfortunately that’s a common story in this economy. Sure hope he finds something great soon. Sending a hug your way Lydia!

  51. I love Spring because everything is blooming the plants, the flowers, our minds, our hearts and hopefully our souls! The Joy of Spring to me is the scents that are born within and after the rain when the sunshine makes the plants look like they are lit with lights of water! It is love! Love is in the air and scent is the elixir of life from plants, flowers, food and the natural pheromones that draw humans to each other! Love! I love Sonoma Scent also because I have never enjoyed the scents of violet, rose and vetiver like yours! I would love to be one of the 3 winners because scent always causes a cerebral orgasm and allows me to wax rhapsodic on love poems and recite ye olde poems of the British authors such as Keats, Shelley, Lord Byron etc! I am ecstatic about “To Dream” because if I did not dream I would die! Blessed Be!

  52. Oh, please enter me too! I love spring because of the lily of the valley–one of my all time favorite flowers ever šŸ™‚

  53. The scents in spring time are so uplifting they make me want to go out and enjoy all the natural beauty. We had above average rain and now we are reaping the rewards everywhere you look you can find flowers blooming and the mountains are bright green and full of life. The review of To Dream on “I Smell Therefore I am” is very enticing. To Dream sounds simply delectable. Please enter me in the draw.

  54. Hi Laurie,

    Please enter me in the draw to try “To Dream” I’ve been wearing LdR this week (the sample from last week’s order) and have really enjoyed it. As to spring, it’s been an unseasonably cold one in Boston so I’ve been reveling in the longer days and watching the bulbs burst forth.

  55. Hi Laurie!

    I’ve been wearing Jour Ensoleille and Champagne de Bois to complement the coming of Spring. Here in Nova Scotia, Spring brings the oddest weather…one day it’s warm and sunny (so I reach for Jour)and the next, the ground is covered in frost and the daffodils are sorry they popped up from under the earth (enter Champagne). It was so cold the other night, I wore Winter Woods. Now that is a cozy fragrance!

    What I love about Spring is the bird song that greets me in the morning and the smell of the earth warming up, giving me a preview of what’s to come.

    • We’re having a bit of that spring craziness too! Very cold this morning with frost in some areas but just last week it felt like summer. Glad you’re enjoying the scents, and thanks for chiming in from Nova Scotia!

  56. If I’m not too late, please enter me in the draw. Lilacs and warmth remind me of the spring. I so need it this year.

  57. Yes please enter me for a chance to win. I just read about this scent earlier this week on NST and emailed a friend that it sounds like something I will love. I dont have any scents from this line, but have read quite a bit about it on various blogs. Would love for this to be my intro to the line. I am curious to see how the “cocoa” note works in the scent. What I love about Spring is that it is all about new beginnings, feeling lighter and more airy. I love the idea of the opportunity to begin again. Things turn green, flowers start to bloom, the air turns warmer and the days get longer. There is a smell of “anything is possible” in the air. For an optimist like me, it’s the perfect season!

  58. I heard of your perfumes from the review of To Dream on I Smell Therefore I am. It sounds intriguing. My sister is the rose freak, though. So if I should win the drawing I’m sure the perfume would go to her.

  59. I love the spring as an eternal rejuvenation – and it lasts…across the globe…You can clearly see that and keep feeling inspired while moving from the south to the north, from the Bay area all the way to British Columbia, seeing the blooms again šŸ˜‰

  60. Knowing my bum luck, I’m just going to break my rule and order this unsniffed. Bad, bad, bad! I was also hoping to purchase Jour Ensoleille but I see it’s not available. A tester will have to do. Thanks again Laurie for your love and dedication to artisanal, quality perfume.

  61. I love the scent of citrus blossoms, I always infuse them in vinegar and coconut oil, vinegar for my hair and coconut oil as a moisturizer. Thank you for the giveaway! The new perfume sounds delicious!

    • Thanks Jill! That sounds nice! I’ve tinctured flowers into alcohol but have not tried infusing in oil or vinegar. It’s a great idea for people who have enough blossoms.

  62. One of the many things I love about Spring is when I venture out in the garden during the first week of April. That’s when I uncover my roses from the mound of compost they’ve been buried under all winter. During the freezing days I can see the tops of those roses sticking out of the snow and getting battered by howling winds. I worry if they’ll survive. It’s such a relief to see signs of life under that rich dirt! The promise of Spring has been kept for another year.

    • My roses don’t have to survive the cold, but I can imagine how that must feel to see them buried in winter and re-emerge in spring. Happy yours are coming out again!

  63. Spring is my most favorite season of the year for it represents a time of rebirth and renewal. Living in the Northeast I eagerly anticipate warmer weather (no snow!!!), the birds singing at dawn and the blooming of my lilac bush. With regard to fragrance, lilac and neroli/orange blossom are the scents which epitomize spring to me. Please enter me in your giveaway, with appreciation for your generosity. Happy spring to you!

  64. I love the energy that comes with spring! After such a long winter here in Boston, the longer days make me feel as though anything is possible. I love that I can ride my bike again, that the magnolia trees are blooming, and that frozen yogurt feels like an appropriate snack once more.

    Thanks for expanding the drawing!

    • Those things are all great spring/summer pleasures! I will do this drawing tomorrow — been so busy but that did give more people a chance to join in. Thanks!

  65. Please do enter me in the drawing! I am SO looking forward to spring and some warm weather. I would love a new scent to go along with that wonderful spring feeling!

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